01 Kwi PAST SIMPLE I Opublikowano o 19:24h w Quiz angielski, Gramatyka EN przez Langero PAST SIMPLE I Słówka związane z opisywaniem przeszłości. II forma czasownika. What is the past form of "I am"? You are I was I were What is the past form of "swim"? swum swam swimming What is the past form of "Is he.."? Were he ....? Wasn't he....? Was he....? What is the past form of "buy"? cought thought bought What is the past form of "we are"? we aren't we were were we What is the past form of "drink"? drinking drunk drank What is the past form of "go"? gone goes going went What is the past form of "have"? has had hadn't What is the past form of "drive"? driving driven drove drives What is the past form of "sing"? sings sung sang singing Gotowy do wysłania Tagi: #quiz-gramatyka-angielski Udostępnij Wydrukuj 3 Polubienia