It’s time to enrich your vocabulary and move to a higher level. Thanks to this article, you will acquire a greater number of words describing professions. You probably have already mastered the basic ones, which are listed here.

a dancer
a farmer
a singer
a buyer
a teacher
an actor
an actress
a vet
a chef
a lorry driver
a writer
a football player
a mechanic
a traveller (BE), a traveler (AE)
a doctor
a painter
a student

Now we would like to encourage you to define each of these words in English. Example sentences and their answers are below. It’s also worth taking advantage of additional review exercises related to work.

Moreover, you can learn other names of professions in the same way – by defining them. Remember to write what the person does, what he/she is responsible for and where he/she works. If you have any difficulty which tense you should use, revise with us the Present Simple Tense (here).

Job vocabulary:

Worksheets and PDF files:
