
As an English teacher, I often wonder how to help my students to acquire vocabulary and grammar structures, and to succeed at school as well as, more generally, in the entire education process. Of course, while learning a language – just like with playing a musical instrument – various revisions are of great importance. Some worksheets have already been designed, so it's worth using them to test ourselves or prepare our...

Learning grammar can be a very toilsome activity. Of course, everything depends on the way we present it (we hope that you know our proprietary cards) and if our state of mind will actually allow us to absorb the new material. It's worth remembering that we study faster when we are well-rested; that's why living a balanced life is so crucial. This principle applies not only to students, but to teachers...

Są słowa, które zawsze zapadną nam w pamięci i będziemy je praktycznie używać. Są i takie, które zostaną zapisane jako nasze bierne słownictwo a z czasem je zapinamy, nadchodzi czas wyjazdów zagranicznych, egzaminów i co wtedy? Oczywiście warto je sobie przypomnieć. Z tego właśnie powodu powstał ten wpis, aby w jednym miejscu znaleźć wszystko potrzebne do nauki. Przed Wami pierwsza lista 15 tematów związana z najważniejszymi zagadnieniami: Daily routine (here)Food...

KLASA I Zadaniem uczniów klasy I będzie poprawne napisanie usłyszanego dwukrotnie słowa w języku angielskim. Uczeń otrzymuje 1 pkt. za poprawny zapis w języku angielskim. SPELLING-BEE-IDownload KLASA II Uczniowie klasy II otrzymują 1 pkt. za poprawną pisownię oraz może dostać dodatkowy 1 pkt. za poprawne przeliterowanie słowa w języku angielskim. SPELLING-BEE-IIDownload KLASA III Uczestnicy konkursu z klasy III otrzymują 1 pkt za poprawną pisownię oraz 1 pkt za bezbłędne przeliterowanie. SPELLING-BEE-IIIDownload KLASA IV-VI Uczestnicy konkursu z klasy...

The grammar of the English language isn't considered simple. Some learners are stricken with fear when they hear that there are 16 tenses. However, with us, step by step, you can fully internalize these structures. Present Simple - when should we use it? Firstly, let's recall the most important usage of the Present Simple Tense: 1. description of routine 2. speaking about preferences 3. timetables 4. laws of nature Auxiliary verbs: do, does, am, is, are The most important...

In the21st century the command of just one foreign language isn't sufficient. That's why we encourage you to study other languages in addition to English. Try memorising step by step the new vocabulary referring to daily life – it will surely come in handy in your conversations! Below, we present the words and flashcards related to daily actions and routines. Moreover, to keep your multilingualism growing, feel free to listen to...

“E.T. phone home” – who hasn't heard that before? Who didn't understand that? Exactly. This statement is a proof that in order to communicate, it is enough to know only the simplest words, and this communication is also possible without the proper conjugation of a verb. What does it mean? That first and foremost, it's worth knowing verbs since they are used to describe actions, and thus they express the...

Mastering past tenses requires training one’s ears and lots of practicing the usage of past forms for both regular as well as irregular verbs. To help you get acquanited with these structures, we've prepared three short videos. Regular verbs The first one presents regular verbs, and it will definitely help you get acquainted with the pronunciation. That's why it's worth focusing especially on the final sounds: /t/, /d/ and /id/. Irregular verbs The other...

After the list of opposite adjectives (part I-III i IV-VI), we're inviting you to get familiar with opposite nouns. The study methods can remain the same. We hope that this list will be a good tool to use as a memory game – also for the youngest users of English. The most important thing is to regularly consolidate new words and practice different associations. Rzeczowniki w nagraniach cz. I-III: OPPOSITE-NOUNS-LangeroDownload Langero-Opposite-nouns-Part-I-VI-flashcardsDownload Nouns part...

Let's go together on a linguistic journey! Attention, attention! It's been confirmed! A super friendly little creature named Phil O'Math is about to land on our planet! He’ll fly in straight from Umba-Lumba to take you on a linguistic journey! There's no time to waste, you have to grab the tickets we are giving away and together with the main character from our new book experience a linguistic adventure. After an unplanned landing...